I am new to GraphDB. I am trying to use SHACL validation by pasting my shapes into the text field in the "import RDF text snippet" function. The problem I have is that if there is an error not the entire error message is shown. I can see "..." at the end of the error message that is shown but the details of what has gone wrong seem to be missing.
This is what I get:
org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.shacl.GraphDBShaclSailValidationException: Failed SHACL validation
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> . _:node1gh8je8tbx1779741 ...
The "..." at the end of the message show that there is more to this error message (and according to the SHACL validation I can expect more details to be shown in the error message).
I have tried it in both MS Edge and Chrome so I don't think it's a browser issue. There doesn't seem to be anything to expand the message. In case it makes a difference, I use Windows 10.
The message is intentionally cut off, because the violation reports tend to be too long. For the full message you can check GraphDB main log in /logs directory.