I am trying to do a complex query based on the input fields of the form.
public function search(Request $request){
$borrado =
$activo = 0;
$models = array();
$escandallos = Scandal::all();
foreach ($escandallos as $escandallo){
if (in_array($escandallo->modelo, $models)) {
array_push($models, $escandallo->modelo);
$query = Model::where('modelo', 'like', '%' . $request['modelo'] . '%')
->where('prototipo', 'like', '%' . $request['prototipo'] . '%')
->where('oficial', 'like', '%' . $request['modofi'] . '%')
->where('usuario_realiza', 'like', '%' . $request['usuario'] . '%')
->where('tipo', 'like', '%' . $request['tipo'] . '%')
->where('activa', 'like', '%' . $activo . '%');
if($request['referencia'] || $request['proveedor']){
/** Here i want to do this DB:raw where in clause if reference or provider is in request and need to search in other table*/
$query->DB::raw("where (id_escandallo,id_version) in (select id_escandallo,id_version from escandallo_p where referencia ='".$request['referencia']. "' and proveedor ='".$request['proveedor']."'");
$scandals = $query->paginate(100);
return view('designdoc.escandallos',['scandals'=> $scandals],['models'=>$models]);
This return this error:
Property [DB] does not exist on the Eloquent builder instance.
Use ->whereRaw()
also, you can simplify this part
if($request['referencia'] || $request['proveedor']){
$query->whereRaw(...); // but dont use 'where' in the string, its already prepended
to this
$query->when($request['referencia'] || $request['proveedor'], function ($q) use ($request) {
it is good so that you can chain it with previous command