
How do I highlight syntax errors using ICSharpCode.TextEditor.TextEditorControl?

I'm using ICSharpCode.TextEditor.TextEditorControl as my DSL editor. When I get DSL compilation errors, I would like to highlight the offending text to provide a better user experience. However, I'm having difficulty finding how to do this.

So far, I've found that there is a ShowInvalidLines property but I don't see a way to mark any lines as invalid. I also see HighlightSpanStack property of LineSegment and HighlightingStrategy but not sure how they are supposed to be used.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • To highlight a piece of text use a TextMarker. The following code underlines the word Error with a red wavy line.

    TextEditorControl textEditor = new TextEditorControl();
    textEditor.Text = "Mark Error";
    int offset = 5;
    int length = 5;
    TextMarker marker = new TextMarker(offset, length, TextMarkerType.WaveLine, Color.Red);

    You can highlight the text with any background and foreground colour and the TextMarkerType supports underlining, wavy lines or a solid block of colour.