I have a string that represent a date (ex. 01/10/2022 d/m/Y) and I want to add 90 days to this date, the problem I think I have is that php dont know how do add the 90 days to this date because is a string. I tried different solution posted by others but without a good result.
One example that I tried is:
$nextduedate = "01/10/2022";
$myDateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $nextduedate);
$myDateTime = $myDateTime->format('d/m/Y');
$number_of_days = 90;
$str =' + '. $number_of_days. ' days';
$myDateTime = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($myDateTime. $str));
echo $myDateTime;
adn the result is 10/04/2022 istead of 01/01/2023
I know im missing something but I dont know what.
If you use Date Object, this script can help you. You have to use "modify" function
$startEntry = "01/10/2022";
$nbDays = 90;
$stringDiff = "+".$nbDays." days";
$startDate = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $startEntry);
$endDate = $startDate->modify($stringDiff);
echo $endDate->format('d/m/Y');