I want to fetch the vCenter version for my project using API, tried with the pyvmomi python library. But I could not the vCenter version, eventhough I'm able to get ESXi and VM related information.
from pyVim.connect import SmartConnect
con = SmartConnect(host="", user="", pwd='')
(vim.AboutInfo) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
name = 'VMware vCenter Server',
fullName = 'VMware vCenter Server 6.7.0 build-18485185',
vendor = 'VMware, Inc.',
version = '6.7.0',
build = '18485185',
localeVersion = 'INTL',
localeBuild = '000',
osType = 'linux-x64',
productLineId = 'vpx',
apiType = 'VirtualCenter',
apiVersion = '6.7.3',
instanceUuid = '1f7fc3f0-2b79-4f99-8d0a-44be5fdf2021',
licenseProductName = 'VMware VirtualCenter Server',
licenseProductVersion = '6.0'