
array.find() is returning undefined

I am trying to update a given subdocument inside an array using its id but when i use the vanila javascript array.find() i get undefined. below is the code

    let offers = service.offers
    console.log("OFFERS ARE ==========", offers)
    const offerIDObject = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(offerID)
    console.log("CONVERTED  ID IS ==========", offerIDObject)

    // Find returns undefined for some reason
    const offer = offers.find((el) => {
        return el._id === offerIDObject
    }), i) =>console.log("ARE OF SAME TYPES======", typeof(el._id) === typeof(offerIDObject)))

    console.log("THE FOUND OFFER IS=======",offer)

enter image description here

What could be the problem with the find method?


  • objectIds are never the same. you can convert it to string, then compare them like this: return el._id.toString() === offerIDObject.toString() or use mongoose .equals() method:

    const offer = offers.find((el) => {
            return el._id.equals(offerIDObject)    

    both should work.