I have this method used in a lambda:
import (
func InitLogger() *zap.Logger {
config := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
config.EncodeTime = zapcore.RFC3339TimeEncoder
consoleEncoder := zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(config)
core := zapcore.NewTee(zapcore.NewCore(consoleEncoder, zapcore.AddSync(os.Stdout), zapcore.InfoLevel))
return zap.New(core).With()
And in my lambda Handler i have:
var (
log *zap.Logger
func init() {
log = u.InitLogger()
func handler(r events.APIGatewayProxyRequest) (*events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error) {
out, err := exec.Command("uuidgen").Output()
uuid := strings.ReplaceAll(string(out), "\n", "")
if err != nil {
log.Info("PRINT_1", zap.Any("uuid", uuid), zap.Any("Request", r.Body))
I have a question, is possible add the UUID to all logs without adding one by one?, because in each log that I need print something, I need add zap.Any("uuid", uuid)
The problem is that I need pass as parameter to all methods the UUID to print it in the log info, or error.
You will have to slightly re-arrange your code since you're only creating the UUID in the handler, which implies it's request-specific whilst the logger is global...
But the gist, specific to the library, is that you've got to create a child logger (which you are, in fact, already doing: you just need to pass the fields there). Any subsequent log writes to the child logger will include those fields.
For example:
func main() {
logger := InitLogger(zap.String("foo", "bar"))
logger.Info("First message with our `foo` key")
logger.Info("Second message with our `foo` key")
func InitLogger(fields ...zap.Field) *zap.Logger {
config := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
config.EncodeTime = zapcore.RFC3339TimeEncoder
consoleEncoder := zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(config)
core := zapcore.NewTee(zapcore.NewCore(consoleEncoder, zapcore.AddSync(os.Stdout), zapcore.InfoLevel))
return zap.New(core).With(fields...)
{"level":"info","ts":"2022-11-24T18:30:45+01:00","msg":"First message with our `foo` key","foo":"bar"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2022-11-24T18:30:45+01:00","msg":"Second message with our `foo` key","foo":"bar"}