I have this JavaScript for performing SpeechSynthesis
let utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance("Hello world! 👋");
which works!
However, I have this slight problem that the string "Hello World! 👋"
contains an emoji 👋
and when the SpeechSynthesis
happens it actually speaks out the emoji, i.e. it would say "Hello world waving hand".
Is there any way for it to filter out that 👋 waving hand
from its speech?
Do note that the provided string contains 👋 and I have to try my best not to filter it out of the string itself but only from the speech.
I wasn't able to do this so the only solution was just to filter out the emoji from the string.
Here it goes:
let toSpeak = "Hello World 👋";
toSpeak = toSpeak.replace('👋','');
let utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(toSpeak);