
Nats/Jetstream: naming conventions for commands' subjects

I have been working with Nats/Jetstream for a bit now and within a CQRS/Event sourcing project. Recently, it occurred to me that I have not been following any naming conventions for subjects' names that are used for commands (events are pretty much covered). What have been doing so far is, as follows:


Meaning the myProjectName as my project name, internal as it is internal to a specific service in my project and then ultimately the action performed by that command (e.g. some pricing logic). Are there any widely used naming conventions I can use? I would appreciate if you can share any view or resource I can use to have a better naming across my project.

Thank you


  • There are good articles about it:

    General recommendations:


    What should be avoided?

    Similar question about Kafka topics best practices: What is the best practice for naming kafka topics?