I'm using Redux toolkit and adding product items to the cart using redux in my eCommerce app, products are adding to the cart perfectly also I tried to store the added products to the localstorage
which is also working fine but the thing is How can I use those items from localstorage
to display the <CartItems>
even after refreshing the page.
Here is my reducer:-
const productItemsSlice = createSlice({
name: "product",
initialState: {
items: [],
totalQuantity: 0,
localStorageItems: [],
reducers: {
addProduct(state, action) {
const newItem = action.payload;
const existingItem = state.items.find((item) => item.id === newItem.id);
if (!existingItem) {
id: newItem.id,
price: newItem.price,
quantity: 1,
totalPrice: newItem.price,
name: newItem.name,
image: newItem.image,
category: newItem.category,
} else {
existingItem.quantity = existingItem.quantity + 1;
existingItem.totalPrice = existingItem.totalPrice + newItem.price;
localStorage.setItem("list", JSON.stringify(state.items));
state.localStorageItems = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("list"));
And here I'm trying to access those setted cartItems to the localstorage:-
//<CartItems />
//Here state.productItem is from configureStore reducer object:-
// const store = configureStore({
// reducer: {
// productItem: productItemsSlice.reducer,
// }
// })
const productItems = useSelector((state) => state.productItem.localStorageItems);
const items = productItems.map((el) => {
return (
id: el.id,
name: el.name,
image: el.image,
price: el.price,
category: el.category,
totalPrice: el.totalPrice,
quantity: el.quantity,
Please suggest me how can I achieve this, also if I remove items from cart.
Remove localStorageItems
from initialState
and add totalQuantity
key for number of quantity to calculate how many items are added. Now we have to set localStorage for all these 3 initialState with different token key.
Outside of slice function we parse Items:-
const items =
localStorage.getItem("cartList") !== null
? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("cartList"))
: [];
const totalAmount =
localStorage.getItem("cartTotal") !== null
? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("cartTotal"))
: 0;
const totalQuantity =
localStorage.getItem("cartQuantity") !== null
? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("cartQuantity"))
: 0;
// adding this function to prevent repear code
const setCartListFunc = (items, totalAmount, totalQuantity) => {
localStorage.setItem("cartList", JSON.stringify(items));
localStorage.setItem("cartTotal", JSON.stringify(totalAmount));
localStorage.setItem("cartQuantity", JSON.stringify(totalQuantity));
This would be the initialState
initialState: {
items: items,
totalQuantity: totalQuantity,
totalAmount: totalAmount,
Now addProduct
reducer should be like this to store the data to localStorage:-
addProduct(state, action) {
const newItem = action.payload;
const existingItem = state.items.find((item) => item.id === newItem.id);
if (!existingItem) {
id: newItem.id,
price: newItem.price,
quantity: 1,
totalPrice: newItem.price,
name: newItem.name,
image: newItem.image,
category: newItem.category,
} else {
existingItem.quantity = existingItem.quantity + 1;
existingItem.totalPrice = existingItem.totalPrice + newItem.price;
// added totalAmount to calculate number of items
state.totalAmount = state.items.reduce(
(total, items) => total + Number(items.price) * Number(items.quantity),
// Using function for all initialState
state.items.map((item) => item),