
how to use `url` template tag in `with` template tag in django templates

i have html component that i want to include in my template that has a link as below

<a href="{{url_name}}" ........

in my template i am trying to pass the url_name using the with tag

    {% include 'components/buttons/_add_button.html' with url_name="{% url 'equipments:equipment-add' %}" reference_name='equipment' %}

this seems not to work as i get the following error

Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
Exception Value:    
Could not parse the remainder: '"{%' from '"{%'

this works though

using the hardcoded url works however i wanted to implement this using url names for flexibility

    {% include 'components/buttons/_add_button.html' with url_name="equipments/equipment/add" reference_name='equipment' %}

app_name = "equipments"

  path("equipment/add/",views.EquipmentCreateView.as_view(), name="equipment-add",

can i use a custom tag to pass this url name to my component template


  • I solved this by using a custom filter in Django as:

    def get_url(url_name):
        return reverse(url_name)

    I now pass the url_name in my template as:

    {% include 'components/buttons/_add_button.html' with url_name="equipments:equipment-add" reference_name='equipment' %}

    Then in my Html component I use:

    <a href="{{url_name|get_url}}"...