
What is the "TBD Release Iron" and what are the modifications?

Some Win32 API function documentation (for example this and this) contains the following note:

Starting with TBD Release Iron, the behavior of this and other NUMA functions has been modified to better support systems with nodes containing more that 64 processors. For more information about this change, including information about enabling the old behavior of this API, see NUMA Support.

  1. What exactly is the "TBD Release Iron"?
  2. Which Windows versions does it support?
  3. What modifications does the note refer to?


  • Elsewhere, for example on, it's called

    Windows 10 Build 20348

    In the same note.

    So it looks like the folks at MSDN MS Docs Learn have some mass replacing to do.

    As for the actual change, there now are (as is tradition) Ex methods for NUMA that add support for processor groups, allowing you to specify affinity for more applications running on machines with more than 64 logical processors, if I interpret it correctly.