I'm trying to create a fill the gap game in Android Studio with Java, for that I'm taking a sentence, separating the keyword (to fill by the user) from the String, and adding the Strings as follow in a horizontal LinearLayout (within a vertical Layout):
TextView before keyword + TextView keyword + TextView after keyword
In a different LinearLayout below I have a following TextView (TextView Line3) making a second line with the same width as the horizontal LinearLayout above. -- Something like a line 2
As TextView after keyword is too long and makes a second line starting after the "TextView keyword", I want to take what goes to the second line of "TextView after keyword" and move it to "TextView Line3".
The problem is that it keeps saying there is only 1 line and "TextView after keyword" displays two
I defined them as such:
private TextView firstSentence, secondSentence, thirdSentence;
public TextView answerText;
private String sentence = "I do not like anyone in this world of idiots";
private boolean newLineBoolean = true;
private String keyword = "like";
private String[] sentenceDivision;
private String displayForKeyword = "";
private String thirdLine = "";
this in onCreate
answerText = findViewById(R.id.answerPlace);
firstSentence = findViewById(R.id.firstSentence);
secondSentence = findViewById(R.id.secondSentence);
thirdSentence = findViewById(R.id.thirdSentence);
sentenceDivision = sentence.split(keyword);
for(int i = 0; i<keyword.length();i++)
displayForKeyword = displayForKeyword + " ";
And this method
private void checkNumberOfLines(){
String firstWords = sentenceDivision[1].substring(0, sentenceDivision[1].lastIndexOf(" "));
String lastWord = sentenceDivision[1].substring(sentenceDivision[1].lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
sentenceDivision[1] = firstWords;
thirdLine = lastWord + " " + thirdLine;
secondSentence.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int lineCount = secondSentence.getLineCount();
if (lineCount > 0) {
else{ newLineBoolean = false;
But it displays as follows:
Does someone know why? Thanks in advance!
It might be because of the definition of TextView.getLineCount()
public int getLineCount() {
return mLayout != null ? mLayout.getLineCount() : 0;
if mLayout is a BoringLayout then getLineCount() always returns 1. To use a different kind of text layout (DynamicLayout) that actually computes its line count, you could try either to make the text selectable by calling setTextIsSelectable or set a Spannable instead of a CharSequence in the TextView (see makeSingleLayout).
I agree with your sentence and this is not the best solution for your use case for which you might get less trouble by using something like a FlowLayout instead of the LinearLayouts and placing each word inside a separate TextView.
Edit to answer questions in comment
// in onCreate()
FlowLayout flowLayout = findViewById(R.id.flow_id);
String[] words = sentence.split(" ");
TextView wordText;
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
String word = words[i];
//if an edit text is needed for user input
if (i == keywordIndex) {
wordText = new EditText(this);
} else {
wordText = new TextView(this);