good day possible to apply ngClass with the use of bootstrap class related to detection of screen sizes responsivnes.
Lets say i would like to apply an specific class to my template when a specifc viewport on m screen is detected
something like :
ngClass="{'my-class':'d-none d-sm-block d-md-none'}"
I mean applying a class if specific breakpoint is met.
Just want to avoid the use of media queries
You can write something like this.
<div [ngClass]="isSmallDevice() ? 'row m-2' : 'm-3'">
In your ts file, you can define the function.
if (this.screenBreakPoint == Breakpoints.Medium ||
this.screenBreakPoint == Breakpoints.Large ||
this.screenBreakPoint == Breakpoints.XLarge)
return false;
return true;
screenBreakPoint is your defined BreakpointObserver