
mariadb alternative to outer apply or lateral?

What I wanted was to use CROSS APPLY, but I guess that doesn't exist in mysql. The alternative I've read is LATERAL. Well, I'm using mariadb 10.3 and I guess that doesn't exist either. The ticket table contains an id that's referenced by the ticket_id column in the note table. A ticket can have many notes, I'm trying to list all tickets with their most recent note date (post_date). How could I write the query below for mariadb?

SELECT t.*, n.post_date
FROM ticket t,
    SELECT note.post_date FROM note WHERE = note.ticket_id ORDER BY note.post_date DESC LIMIT 1
) n;

Example table structure:


id subject
1 stuff
2 more


id post_date ticket_id
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 1
5 2

I did find an open jira ticket from people asking for mariadb to support lateral.


  • From what I read, LATERAL will not be supported in MariaDB until version 11. But we can just as easily use ROW_NUMBER here, which is supported:

    WITH cte AS (
        SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ticket_id ORDER BY post_date DESC) rn
        FROM note
    SELECT t.*, n.post_date
    FROM ticket t
    INNER JOIN cte n
        ON n.ticket_id =
    WHERE n.rn = 1;

    If you wanted a close translation of your current lateral join, then use:

    SELECT t.*,
        (SELECT n.post_date
         FROM note n
         WHERE = note.ticket_id
         ORDER BY n.post_date DESC
         LIMIT 1)
    FROM ticket t;