I need to show notice/pop ups upon hitting of a button. Similar approaches are working in other views and controllers of the app but here on this Import button things are not working since long. None of the redirect_to
works in the controller while their similar usage in other controller works.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
namespace :admin do
get '', to: 'dashboard#index', as: 'root'
# resourceful routes
resources :oauth_clients
resources :tenants do
resources :sites do
#resources :production_shifts
resources :units do
resources :log_data_fields, only: [:import, :create, :index, :destroy, :download_csv] do
get :download_csv
# collection route
collection do
post :import #post action
class Admin::LogDataFieldsController < Admin::BaseController
require 'csv'
# import request(this is gonna be a POST action)
def import
logger.debug("*****Testing the logger.*****")
file = params[:log_data_field][:file]
# return redirect_to [:admin, @tenant, @site, @unit], notice: "Only CSV please !!" unless file.content_type == "text/csv"
return redirect_to admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_url, notice: "Only CSV please !!" unless file.content_type == "text/csv"
file = File.open(file)
csv = CSV.parse(file, headers: true)
# csv = CSV.parse(file, headers: true, col_sep: ";")
@unit = Unit.find_by_id(params[:unit_id])
# p @unit.id
total_rows = CSV.read(file).count
count = 1
# binding.b
csv.each do |row|
tag_hash = {}
tag_hash[:name] = row["Name"]
tag_hash[:alias] = row["Alias"]
tag_hash[:column_type] = row["Type"]
tag_hash[:unit_id] = @unit.id
tag_hash[:is_active] = row["Active"]
# binding.b
# p row
@log_data_field = LogDataField.create(tag_hash)
# binding.b
if @log_data_field.save
count += 1
# return redirect_to admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_path(@tenant, @site, @unit),
# return redirect_to admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_path(@tenant, @site, @unit),
# render :_importtags
logger.debug("-------------Going down----------")
if count == total_rows && count > 1
logger.debug("-------------All succeeded----------")
redirect_to admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_path(@tenant, @site, @unit), flash: { :notice => "Success"}
# flash.notice = "Success : Tags imported from CSV !"
elsif total_rows == 0
logger.debug("-------------All zero----------")
flash.alert = "Import Failure : CSV cant be empty"
render :action => 'index', :notice => "Import Failure : CSV cant be empty."
logger.debug("-------------Failed down----------")
flash.alert = "Import Failure"
render :action => 'index', :notice => "Import Failure"
redirect_to import_admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_url(@tenant, @site, @unit), notice:"Imported tags !"
%p{:style => "color: green"}= notice
= form_with model:@log_data_field, url: import_admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_path, method: :post do |form|
- if @log_data_field.errors.any?
%h2= "#{pluralize(@log_data_field.errors.count, "error")} prohibited this log_data_field from being saved:"
- @log_data_field.errors.full_messages.each do |message|
%li= message
-# = link_to 'Download sample csv', [:admin, @tenant, @site, @unit, @log_data_field], method: :get
= form.file_field :file, accept: ".csv"
-# = form.file_field :file
-#button.btn.primary{:type => "submit", data: { disable_with: "Please wait..."}}
%button.btn.primary{:type => "submit"}
= "Import"
Comments are the things I have tried.
Sorry if you find the question or its structure very unprofessional but I am beginner and learning regularly. I need to render the view again upon hitting that Import
button to show either any errors if availabe or success on importing tags from csv. There is also issue of notice not being visible or popping up and redirect_to not working when non-csv document is submitted in the form which should give a warning too but it is not coming.
I believe the solution will be very short or some typo or silly mistake in understanding the path vs url routes.
EDIT As per @markets
suggestion I made all the redirect_to with return
which are used in between so the notice are working but they appear only on refresh. Still can't get them instantly on button click:
class Admin::LogDataFieldsController < Admin::BaseController
before_action :set_tenant
before_action :set_site
before_action :set_unit
require 'csv'
# import request(this is gonna be a POST action)
def import
logger.debug("*****Testing the logger.*****")
file = params[:log_data_field][:file]
# return redirect_to [:admin, @tenant, @site, @unit], notice: "Only CSV please !!" unless file.content_type == "text/csv"
return redirect_to admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_path(@tenant, @site, @unit), notice: "Only CSV please !!" unless file.content_type == "text/csv"
file = File.open(file)
csv = CSV.parse(file, headers: true)
# csv = CSV.parse(file, headers: true, col_sep: ";")
@unit = Unit.find_by_id(params[:unit_id])
# p @unit.id
total_rows = CSV.read(file).count
count = 1
# binding.b
csv.each do |row|
tag_hash = {}
tag_hash[:name] = row["Name"]
tag_hash[:alias] = row["Alias"]
tag_hash[:column_type] = row["Type"]
tag_hash[:unit_id] = @unit.id
tag_hash[:is_active] = row["Active"]
# binding.b
# p row
@log_data_field = LogDataField.create(tag_hash)
# binding.b
if @log_data_field.save
count += 1
# return redirect_to admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_path(@tenant, @site, @unit),
# else
# return redirect_to admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_path(@tenant, @site, @unit),
# render :_importtags
logger.debug("-------------Going down----------")
if count == total_rows && count > 1
logger.debug("-------------All succeeded----------")
return redirect_to admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_path(@tenant, @site, @unit), flash: { :notice => "Success : Tags imported from CSV !"}
elsif total_rows == 0
logger.debug("-------------All zero----------")
return redirect_to admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_path(@tenant, @site, @unit), flash: { :notice => "Import Failure : CSV cant be empty"}
logger.debug("-------------Failed down----------")
return redirect_to admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_path(@tenant, @site, @unit), flash: { :notice => "Import Failure : PLease check CSV"}
redirect_to import_admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_url(@tenant, @site, @unit), notice:"Imported tags !"
After seeing the forms of other components of my app I noticed that there is an issue in my form_with
so I changed it to form_for
helper by reading the rails docs https://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.2/classes/ActionView/Helpers/FormHelper.html#method-i-form_for
So here is the working code of _importtags.html.haml
= form_for @log_data_field, url: import_admin_tenant_site_unit_log_data_fields_url do |f|
- if @log_data_field.errors.any?
- @log_data_field.errors.full_messages.each do |message|
%li= message
= f.file_field :file, accept: ".csv"
-# = f.file_field :file
%button.btn.primary{type: 'submit', data: { disable_with: "Please wait..."}}
There no need to specifically pass a method: :post
either as import is already a post action defined in the routes.rb
Along with this what @markets had suggested and answered in this thread was very helpful and accepted too. Thanks to markets for that !!