Recently, I have upgraded Deployer from 6.X to 7.X and followed the upgrade guide from Deployer. Since I've made theses changes, I am unable to deploy application on the Gitlab CI. The error come from command deploy:update_code
[dev-env] error in update_code.php on line 90:
[dev-env] run export GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT='0' GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new'; [ -f /web/.dep/repo/HEAD ] || /usr/bin/git clone --mirror /web/.dep/repo 2>&1
[dev-env] fatal: repository '/web/.dep/repo' does not exist
[dev-env] exit code 128 (Invalid exit argument)
I have followed instructions given from this Github issue but with no concluent result
namespace Deployer;
| 0. Import needed recipes, and make sure the environment is right
require 'contrib/rsync.php';
require 'recipe/laravel.php';
| 1. Load external dependencies
set('dotenv', '{{current_path}}/.env');
| 2. Variables
set('$this->setRemoteUser()name', getenv('DEPLOYER_NAME', 'unknown'));
set('application', 'priv');
set('http_$this->setRemoteUser()', 'www-data');
set('keep_releases', 3);
| 3. Shared & Writable files / folders
set('shared_dirs', [
set('shared_files', [
add('writable_dirs', [
| 4. Hosts
/** PREPROD Priv1 */
->set('deploy_path', '/web')
->set('rsync_src', __DIR__)
->set('rsync_dest', '{{release_path}}')
->set('module', 'priv')
'group' => 'preProdHosts',
'name' => 'dev-env',
| 5. Tasks
task('ca_cleanup', function() {
run('cd {{release_path}}/ && php7.4 artisan ca:cl');
task('co_reload', function() {
run('cd {{release_path}}/ && php7.4 artisan co:cl');
set('rsync', function () {
$currentModule = get('module');
$modulePaths = [
'priv' => [
$exclude = [
foreach ($modulePaths as $moduleName => $modulePath) {
if (empty($currentModule) || $currentModule === $moduleName) {
$exclude = array_merge($exclude, $modulePath);
return [
'exclude' => $exclude,
'exclude-file' => '',
'include' => [],
'include-file' => false,
'filter' => [],
'filter-file' => false,
'filter-perdir' => false,
'flags' => 'avz',
'options' => ['delete', 'delete-after', 'force'],
'timeout' => 1200,
task('deploy:storage_link_hybride', function () {
run('cd {{release_path}}/public && ln -s ../storage/app/public/hybride/ ');
task('deploy:storage_link_elfinder', function () {
run('cd {{release_path}}/public && ln -s ../storage/app/public/elfinder/ ');
task('deploy:migrate_n_seed', function () {
run('cd {{release_path}}/ && php7.4 artisan migrate --force');
run('cd {{release_path}}/ && php7.4 artisan db:seed --class=AdminRolesPermissionsUpdaterTableSeeder --force');
run('cd {{release_path}}/ && php7.4 artisan db:seed --class=CustomerRolesPermissionsUpdaterTableSeeder --force');
task('deploy:migrate_n_priv_seed', function () {
run('cd {{release_path}}/ && php7.4 artisan module:seed Priv --class=PrivRolesPermissionsUpdaterTableSeeder --force');
task('deploy:migrate_n_amundi_seed', function () {
run('cd {{release_path}}/ && php7.4 artisan module:seed Amundi --class=AmundiRolesPermissionsUpdaterTableSeeder --force');
run('cd {{release_path}}/public/modules/amundi-catitre && ln -s ../amundi/fonts fonts');
run('cd {{release_path}}/public/modules/amundi-catitre && ln -s ../amundi/images images');
run('cd {{release_path}}/public/modules/amundi-catitre && ln -s ../amundi/documents documents');
task('sitemap:generate', function () {
run('cd {{release_path}}/ && php artisan sitemap:generate');
task('deploy', [
])->desc('Deploy your project');
after('deploy:failed', 'deploy:unlock');
After investigating a bit on this, I've found the solution
On deployer 6.X, the task deploy:prepare
only checks if deploy_path exists, otherwise create it.
On deployer 7.X, deploy:prepare
is completing many other tasks, as well as deploy:info
, deploy:setup
etc... and particulary deploy:update_code
. This command try to fetch code from release_path
on host, witch I haven't defined since I want to fetch code locally with rsync
The solution was to suppress deploy:prepare
from task flow since I already call tasks bundled onto this command