I am new to reactive programming and it may happen that this question is easily solvable or I am doing something completely wrong. Let us consider following interface
interface NumbersOperator{fun apply(value:Double,value2:Double):Mono<Double>}
class Plus(val name:String):NumbersOperator{
fun apply(value:Double,value2:Double):Mono<Double>{
return Mono.just(value+value2)
At the moment I have a list of `
val plusOperators = listOf(Plus("first"), Plus("second"), Plus("third"))
` and the way how i combine the operators is the following
fun combine():Mono<Double>{
val first=plusOperators.firstOrNull(it.name=="first")
val second=plusOperators.firstOrNull(it.name=="second")
val third=plusOperators.firstOrNull(it.name=="third")
return first.apply(1.0,1.0).map{it*1.0}.flatMap{second.apply(it,1.0)}.map{it*1.0}.flatMap{third.apply(it,1.0)}
At the moment i can live with this but it would be much easier and more generic if I could just create the above chain from the list of plusOperators. Please be noted, this is just a simplification of what i am doing, basically i have to map result from previous and to call another mono and so on
You could just fold your operator list, like this:
fun combine(): Mono<Double> {
val plusOperators = listOf(Plus("first"), Plus("second"), Plus("third"))
return plusOperators.fold(Mono.just(1.0)) { acc, op ->
acc.flatMap { op.apply(it, 1.0) }