I'm download 20.000 files .png and put in order to specific folder name. Each folder has 1 or 2 .png files.
link of example: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1di8b1L1i1lc2ZKTAWyrNiZNpxMmGcQAH?usp=share_link
order_NEW<- data.frame(ACCESION=c('G 1','G 7A', 'G35015', 'G40897','G27573'),
FOLDER= c( 'P_vulgaris', 'P_vulgaris','P_dumosus', 'P_albescens',
In order_NEW
of FOLDER I'm want create this folders that contain 2 other folders, for sed
and pod
but depend of FOLDER name.
For example the FOLDER P_vulgaris is necessary create 2 others folders, sed
and pod
. In sed
folder I'm want put the sed picture of G 1 and pod
folder put the pod picture.
I have the folders in this form:
The folders contais this type of pictures:
The idea is move the files in other folder, but depend of order_NEW df.
Im find this solution. Maybe dont is the most easy but for now is well for me. Sahe with us.
Get the names of directories
main_dir <- ('C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2')
dir_list <- as.data.frame(list.dirs(main_dir,recursive = T))
1 C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 57
3 C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 76
4 C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 87
5 C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 92
6 C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 148
7 C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 166
Get only the folder name
dir_list2 <- as.data.frame(list.dirs(main_dir,recursive = T,full.names =
2 G 57
3 G 76
4 G 87
5 G 92
6 G 148
7 G 166
Merge the names and add to .jpg format (the pictures files has the same names of each folder)
dir_list$NEW <- paste0(dir_list$`list.dirs(main_dir, recursive = T)`,"\\",
dir_list2$`list.dirs(main_dir, recursive = T, full.names = FALSE)` ," ", "seed.jpg")
# [2] "C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 57\\G 57 seed.jpg"
# [3] "C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 76\\G 76 seed.jpg"
# [4] "C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 87\\G 87 seed.jpg"
# [5] "C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 92\\G 92 seed.jpg"
# [6] "C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 148\\G 148 seed.jpg"
# [7] "C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 166\\G 166 seed.jpg"
Im filter the names of each ACCESION in each FOLDER. And create in manual form each one. And in each one the two other folder, seed and pod.
Fit the names for use in a function. Add ' in start and final of each path, , for separate each one.
dir_list$NEW<- paste0("'", dir_list$NEW,"'", ",")
# I have problems with \\ and \. But is easy to change with replace tools of
# [2] "'C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 76\\G 76 seed.jpg',"
# [3] "'C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 87\\G 87 seed.jpg',"
# [4] "'C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 92\\G 92 seed.jpg',"
# [5] "'C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 148\\G 148 seed.jpg',"
# [6] "'C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 166\\G 166 seed.jpg',"
# [7] "'C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 169\\G 169 seed.jpg'"
#delete the (,) in final object.
Run this code
# Im use this example
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71601557/moving-and-copying-multiple-
df = data.frame(
source = c('C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 57\\G 57 seed.jpg',
'C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 76\\G 76 seed.jpg',
'C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 87\\G 87 seed.jpg',
'C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 92\\G 92 seed.jpg',
'C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 148\\G 148 seed.jpg',
'C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 166\\G 166 seed.jpg',
'C:\\Users\\macosta\\Downloads\\CORE2\\G 169\\G 169 seed.jpg'),
destination =
file.copy(from = df$source, to = file.path(df$destination,
# destination is the new folder.
For P_Vulgaris this are the files in seed