I need some help in understanding the following problem. I have the need for a dynamic filter (trying to not duplicate the queries for different scenarios).
I have already found that I can create a dynamicFilter = Expression<Bool>(value: true)
and then adding the clauses to the filter. As described here
Now I have a database field defined as nullable and want to add a filter if a condition is given:
let hi_time = Expression<Int?>("HI_Time")
if condition {
dynamicFilter = dynamicFilter && (hi_time != nil)
However I am getting a warning: Comparing non-optional value of type 'Expression<Int?> to 'nil' always returns true
and thus that filter is skipped and not added to the query.
Now as I understand the Expression<Int?>
is saying, that the column can contain NULL values.
How can I now append this NULL check to the query when condition X is fullfilled? Can I somehow add Plain SQL here? or do I have to make two separate Queries? The problem is, I will have some other NULL Checks to perform that only are needed if a specific condition is fulfilled.
Thanks so much for the help, it's much appreciated.
var dynamicFilter = Expression<Bool>(value: true)
if cond.temperature.currentKind == .celsius {
dynamicFilter = dynamicFilter && (upperTemp_C >= cond.temperature.getCurrentTemperature() && lowerTemp_C <= cond.temperature.getCurrentTemperature())
} else {
dynamicFilter = dynamicFilter && (upperTemp_F >= cond.temperature.getCurrentTemperature() && lowerTemp_F <= cond.temperature.getCurrentTemperature())
if condition.rawValue == 1 {
dynamicFilter = dynamicFilter && (hi_time !== nil)
do {
let numberOfHOT = try db.scalar(times
.filter((delDate > Date() || delDate == nil))
With the help of Lou Franco the error was in the declaration of the dynamic filter. var dynamicFilter = Expression<Bool?>(value: true)
did the trick.
Thanks so much!
To check for inequality between an expression and an optional value with SQLite.swift, you need !==
, not !=
Here is the relevant code:
You can also see this in the tests:
When you don't find something in the docs, the tests in this project are a good place to look for answers