Right now I'm trying to send bulk messages in an app made with Python. Now, when I do it, the message that it's supposed to be formatted with HTML won't renderize.
emails = [c for c in view_contactos]
if add.validate_on_submit(): #validamos datos
subject = add.title.data
body_message = add.body.data
#conexion al server
context = ssl.create_default_context()
server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.gmail.com', DevConfig.MAIL_PORT, context=context)
server.login(DevConfig.MAIL_USERNAME, DevConfig.MAIL_PASSWORD)
#envio del correo
for row in emails:
em = EmailMessage()
em['From'] = DevConfig.MAIL_USERNAME
em['To'] = row
em['Subject'] = subject
This is the code Im using to send the messages
And this is an example of how you can see it in gmail
I am trying to send bulk html messages, I want the messages to be rendered when they are delivered to their recipients
In the line em.set_content(body_message)
I had to write ", subtype="html" after the body_message
em.set_content(body_message, subtype="html")