I want to export the imagecollection by 'geemap.ee_export_image_collection_to_drive()', and I got this: Error: Exported image is too big (64240321180032 bytes > 64000000000000). (Error code: 3)
All the images in collection are useful so it's better not to use clip() or reduceRegion().
So how to export an image using geemap.ee_export_image_collection_to_drive() if it is bigger than the max bytes?
This is a 64TB image, that is pretty big. I've never been close to exporting anything that size. You might have run into some EE limitation. I would suggest that you tile your AOI, and make multiple exports. When exporting to Google Drive, if you're image is somewhat big, it'll be exported in tiles to begin with. So if you want a single image, you still have to either merge these tiles or create a VRT.
Still, that size of image lead me to believe that you have done something wrong. If you're sure you haven't, make sure you have enough free space in Google Drive before exporting.