
Laravel unisharp file manager how to disable multi-select

Laravel unisharp file manager how to disable multi-select

In Laravel 9 , Unshirp File Managaer I can not disable this button, how I can delete it or disable it, I shoould write script or just change inside lfm config file can somebody give me advice how I can


  • First After Install Package

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lfm_public

    Then Inside vendor/file-filemanager/js/script.js

    var myParam ='multiple=')[1];//new
    if(myParam == 'false'){ //new
            multi_selection_enabled = multi_selection_enabled;//
            multi_selection_enabled = !multi_selection_enabled;//here

    Instead Of This Code

    multi_selection_enabled = !multi_selection_enabled

    Then Inside vendor/file-filemanager/js/stand-alone-button.js + '?type=' + type+'?&multiple=false',
     'FileManager', 'width=900,height=600');

    Instead Of This Code + '?type=' + type', 'FileManager', 'width=900,height=600');

    Then Inside Vendor Laravel File Manager src/views/index.blade.php,you should uncomment this script line

       <script src="{{ asset('vendor/laravel-filemanager/js/script.js') }}"></script>

    It helped Me , You can try this .