
Change SensorEvent data values length in Android Sensor Framework

I am currently developing a driver for an ambient light sensor on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 platform.

When I try to interact with the device through the Android Sensor Framework I only get the Lux value (in the onSensorChanged callback the size of the values field in SensorEvent object is 1 whereas multiple data are pushed along with the Lux measure).

When having a look at the proprietary vendor implementation of the HAL I can clearly see that multiple data are being pushed to the HAL event message queue, but only the Lux info is forwarded by the framework.

I guess that somewhere in the AOSP the additional information (raw data in my case) are being discarded / ignored and I can't really find where this operation is done in the codebase.

To summarize, I would like to know which location has to be patched in order to keep these information and be able to use them at application level.

While doing some research I came across this question where users were using some additional info forwarded by the sensor framework for the light sensor: Reading Android RGB light sensor - Galaxy S5

Thank you!


  • It took me some time but I managed to get it working applying the following patches:

    private static final int[] sSensorReportingModes = {
        2, // SENSOR_TYPE_LIGHT
    void convertFromSensorEvent(const sensors_event_t &src, Event *dst) {
        case SensorType::LIGHT:
            dst->[0] =[0];
            dst->[1] =[1];
    void convertToSensorEvent(const Event &src, sensors_event_t *dst) {        
        case SensorType::LIGHT:
            dst->data[0] =[0];
            dst->data[1] =[1];