In the Testcontainers documentation, there is an example for having the docker image to be parameterized with @ParameterizedTest.
This was a junit4 example.
public class ParameterizedDockerfileContainerTest {
private final String expectedVersion;
public GenericContainer container;
public ParameterizedDockerfileContainerTest(String baseImage, String expectedVersion) {
container =
new GenericContainer(
new ImageFromDockerfile()
.withDockerfileFromBuilder(builder -> {
// Could potentially customise the image here, e.g. adding files, running
// commands, etc.
this.expectedVersion = expectedVersion;
@Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{0}")
public static Object[][] data() {
return new Object[][] { //
{ "alpine:3.12", "3.12" },
{ "alpine:3.13", "3.13" },
{ "alpine:3.14", "3.14" },
{ "alpine:3.15", "3.15" },
{ "alpine:3.16", "3.16" },
public void simpleTest() throws Exception {
final String release = container.execInContainer("cat", "/etc/alpine-release").getStdout();
assertThat(release).as("/etc/alpine-release starts with " + expectedVersion).startsWith(expectedVersion);
I couldn't find a way to do something similar with junit5, basically :
methods in the classOfc, with a lot of if/else, playing with beforeEach, TestInfo, ... is possible but I feel like something is wrong and I'm sure the following question has probably should be answered with junit5
How to use parameterized tests for testing with multiple database versions
So, it seems the equivalent to junit5 is not possible, related to this opened issue as mentioned by Eddù above
With the great help of Michael Simons, I could manage to do something that works
Base class :
@Testcontainers(disabledWithoutDocker = true)
public abstract class MultipleNeo4jVersionsTest {
protected static String HEAP_SIZE = "256M";
public static Stream<String> neo4jVersions() {
return Stream.of("4.4.14", "5.2.0");
protected static String heapSizeSetting(Neo4jVersion version) {
return version.equals(Neo4jVersion.V4_4)
? "NEO4J_dbms_memory_heap_max__size"
: "NEO4J_server_memory_heap_max__size"
protected Neo4jContainer<?> getNeo4j(String version) {
var imageName = String.format("neo4j:%s-enterprise", version);
Neo4jVersion neo4jVersion = Neo4jVersion.of(version);
Neo4jContainer<?> container = new Neo4jContainer<>(imageName)
.withEnv(heapSizeSetting(neo4jVersion), HEAP_SIZE)
return container;
And the actual test class
void loading_config(String version) throws Exception {
Neo4jContainer<?> neo4j = getNeo4j(version);
// do something here
Couple of useful links