
inorder traversal pointing to wrong array

I am writing a simple function for inorder traversal of a tree. The function looks like this:

 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * function TreeNode(val, left, right) {
 *     this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val)
 *     this.left = (left===undefined ? null : left)
 *     this.right = (right===undefined ? null : right)
 * }
 * @param {TreeNode} root
 * @return {number[]}
var inorderTraversal = function(root,typ, par) {
    let  result = [] ;
     console.log(`side = ${typ} currentVal = ${root? root.val: 'no root'}`,root)
     if (!root) return  []
     left =  inorderTraversal(root.left, 'left', root.val)
     right = inorderTraversal(root.right, 'right', root.val )
     console.log(`side = ${typ} currentVal = ${root? root.val: 'no root'}  parent = ${par}`,root)
     console.log(`${root.val}-left, and parent= ${par}`, left)
     console.log(`${root.val}-rigth, and parent= ${par}`, right)
     result = [...left, root.val, ...right ];
     console.log('res', result)
     return result

Note: The brnch(represents the side I am traversing i.e left/right) and par(parent's value), are just parameters I pass for debugging purposes.

The problem or challenge I am working on can be found here:

The function recursively traverses through a tree and when the left and right sides are determined, it uses the spread operator to combine them.

My console.logs output are:

side = undefined currentVal = 1 [1,null,2,3]
side = left currentVal = no root null
side = right currentVal = 2 [2,3]
side = left currentVal = 3 [3]
side = left currentVal = no root null
side = right currentVal = no root null
side = left currentVal = 3  parent = 2 [3]
3-left, and parent= 2 []
3-rigth, and parent= 2 []
res [ 3 ]
side = right currentVal = no root null
side = right currentVal = 2  parent = 1 [2,3]
2-left, and parent= 1 [ 3 ]
2-rigth, and parent= 1 []
res [ 3, 2 ]
side = undefined currentVal = 1  parent = undefined [1,null,2,3]
1-left, and parent= undefined [ 3 ]
1-rigth, and parent= undefined [ 3, 2 ]
res [ 3, 1, 3, 2 ]

my input is [1,null,2,3]. the expected output is [1,3,2] and the current/actual result is [3,1,3,2]

If you look at the logs(specifically the last 3 lines), you'll see when the function bubbles back up to when root val is 1, the left is [3], right is [3,2]. If the left wasn't [3] then I would get the correct result with [left, root.val, right]. Can someone explain why is left returning [3]? I think it should be []. In a similar sub-problem where root.val is 2 and the right leaf is null, I get right = []. I don't know why left is [3].

I don't need a solution for inorder traversal but rather answer to why left is returning [3]. In addition, when I change the order of when operations are performed, the problem is resolved. code :

var inorderTraversal = function(root,typ, par) {
    let  result = [] ;
     console.log(`side = ${typ} currentVal = ${root? root.val: 'no root'}`,root)
     if (!root) return  []
     left =  inorderTraversal(root.left, 'left', root.val)
     //modifying result before traversing right
     result = [...left, root.val]
     right = inorderTraversal(root.right, 'right', root.val )
     console.log(`side = ${typ} currentVal = ${root? root.val: 'no root'}  parent = ${par}`,root)
     console.log(`${root.val}-left, and parent= ${par}`, left)
     console.log(`${root.val}-rigth, and parent= ${par}`, right)
     result = [...result, ...right ];
     console.log('res', result)
     return result

This resolves the issue even though the left is still [3], can someone please help with why this happens?


  • Your scope is interfering with the value that you get, try restricting the scope of left and right variables to local using let.

    var inorderTraversal = function(root) {
        let  result = [] ;
         if (!root) return  []
         let left =  inorderTraversal(root.left, 'left', root.val)
         let right = inorderTraversal(root.right, 'right', root.val )
         result = [...left, root.val , ...right ];
         return result