
Inject content script only once in a webpage

I am trying to inject content script on context menu click in an extension manifest version 3. I need to check if it is already injected or not. If it is not injected , inject the content script. This condition has to be satisfied. Can anyone help me with this?

We can use


but this can be checked only in the content script, so this approach will not work as expected.

payload.js(content script)

function extract() {
    htmlInnerText = document.documentElement.innerText;
    url_exp = /[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b(\/[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)?/gi;
    regex =  new RegExp(url_exp)
    list_url = htmlInnerText.match(url_exp)

    ip_exp = /\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b/;
    list_ip = htmlInnerText.match(ip_exp)

    hash_exp = /\b[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}\b|\b[A-Fa-f0-9]{40}\b|\b[A-Fa-f0-9]{64}\b/g
    list_hash = htmlInnerText.match(hash_exp){ list_url: list_url, list_ip: list_ip, list_hash: list_hash });


chrome.runtime.sendMessage( extract());


genericOnClick = async () => {

    // Inject the payload.js script into the current tab after the backdround has loaded
    chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) {
            target: { tabId: tabs[0].id },
            files: ["payload.js"]
        },() => chrome.runtime.lastError);

    // Listen to messages from the payload.js script and create output.
    chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(async (message) => {
   "list_url", function (data) {
            if (typeof data.list_url != "undefined") {
                urls = data.list_url
        });"list_ip", function (data) {
            if (typeof data.list_ip != "undefined") {
                ips = data.list_ip
        });"list_hash", function (data) {
            if (typeof data.list_hash != "undefined") {
                hashes = data.list_hash;

        if ( hashes.length>0 || urls.length>0 || ips.length>0 ){
  {url: "output.html", type: "popup", height:1000, width:1000});


  • on my first context menu click I get the output html once. Second time I click, I get the output html twice likewise.

    This behavior is caused by a combination of two factors.

    First factor

    You're calling chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener() inside genericOnClick(). So every time the user clicks the context menu item, the code adds a new onMessage listener. That wouldn't be a problem if you passed a named function to chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(), because a named function can only be registered once for an event.

    function on_message(message, sender, sendResponse) {
        sendResponse("from bg");

    Second factor

    But you're not registering a named function as the onMessage handler. You're registering an anonymous function. Every click on the context menu item creates and registers a new anonymous function. So after the Nth click on the context menu item, there will be N different onMessage handlers, and each one will open a new window.


    1. Define the onMessage handler as a named function, as shown above.
    2. Call chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener() outside of a function.

    You don't have to do both 1 and 2. Doing either will solve your problem. But I recommend doing both, because it's cleaner.