I am trying to print a memory range window that shows the value of an array of string to a file using
winprint.data.View %Var v.address("sortData0.strings")
the issue is when I check the file, I find it as follows
SD:3000A11C| 30 sortData0.strings[. SD:3000A11D|
SD:3000A11D| A5 | SD:3000A11E|
SD:3000A11E| 00 | SD:3000A11F|
SD:3000A11F| 30 +
the values seem to be truncated. When I opened the window, it looked like
It seems that this is happening because the columns are initially collapsed. How can I solve that? I need to that using the practice commands without any GUI interactions because that'll be a part of an automated test.
The command WinTABS to set the column width before opening/exporting the window. Please try something like this:
WinTABS 10. 100.
WinPrint.Data.View %Var Var.ADDRESS("sortData0.strings")