
How to generate Sankey diagrams using Brightway2?

I know that we can get Sankey diagrams using activity-browser. Is there a way we can generate a sankey diagram for one of the ecoinvent activities using brightway2 functions and python?

I looked into brightway2 functions but couldn't find one that I can readily use for sankey diagrams.


  • Unfortunately not, at least right now. The activity-browser implementation is licensed LGPL, which isn't compatible with the Brightway license, so we can't just copy what they have done. There are also technical limitations, as an interactive graphic would need a server/client architecture for new calculations (e.g. changing the cutoff), or serializing a very large result dataset for use in something like plotly.

    It would be amazing to have the community step up with a stand-along program; see also the ongoing visualization contest.