I am currently making a website for a class that I am in. It is supposed to be a store, made in Pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (no libraries including jQuery). I am currently attempting at making a functional cart right now. My idea is to take the element that has the information about that item (image and name, but price I kept to be constant throughout to make it simpler). From here, I thought about serialising that element and saving it to localStorage
so that I can load it from the cart page. When I try JSON.serialize(product)
where product is the element of the item, it only ends up with "{}"
and nothing else. XMLS.serialiseToString()
only gives the element without the event handler. How am I supposed to make this work?
I also tried loading the event handler in the cart page too, but I cannot figure out a way to get the HTML element from a string. Could someone tell me how to make this work? I looked at a few other questions on here but it does not make much sense to me.
Edit: I got the serialisation and deserialisation working using XMLSerializer. However, I want to change the click event handler after deserialising the element. How am I supposed to make this work?
XMLSerializer should work.
You will need to provide more code for what you're doing with local storage and your event handler but based on the info you provided, I included some code with comments below.
//this is a test click handler function to see if it still works after being added to page
function testClickHandler() {
console.log('I still work after being added to document again.')
//initialize XML serializer
var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
//get html element from document
var html = document.querySelector('#serializemecapt');
//convert element to string
var htmlString = serializer.serializeToString(html);
//once element is converted to string you can save in local storage
//after you retrieve the element again from local storage, use the code below to insert it into your document again
//insert element back onto page
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', htmlString);
<div id="serializemecapt" onclick="testClickHandler()">Click me to see if the click event still works after I'm pushed back into the document.<br/><br/></div>
Edit: If you want to change the click handler after serialization, you can do something like this (run the snippet below and see comments):
//this function will be removed before serialization
function originalFunction() {
console.log('I am the original function before serialization.')
//this function will be added after serialization
function newFunction() {
console.log('I am the new function after serialization.')
//get html element from document
var html = document.querySelector('#serializeme');
//apply originalFunction to div using addEventListener
html.addEventListener('click', originalFunction)
//new function to demonstrate serialization
function serializeHtml() {
//initialize XML serializer
var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
//remove event listener for originalFunction before serialization
html.removeEventListener('click', originalFunction)
//serialize html
var htmlString = serializer.serializeToString(html);
//insert element back onto page
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', htmlString);
//change innerText on element for example purposes
html.innerText = 'I am the same div as above after serialization. I have new text and a new function. Click me now and I will run the new function.'
//add newFunction to div using addEventListener
html.addEventListener('click', newFunction)
//get button element from document
var serialButton = document.querySelector('#serialButton');
//apply serializeHtml function to button using addEventListener
serialButton.addEventListener('click', serializeHtml)
<div id="serializeme"><b>Click me</b> before serializing to run the original function.<br/><br/></div>
<p><b>Click button below to serialize the div above and apply a new function to the div after serialization.</b></p>
<button id="serialButton">Serialize</button>