fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val pie = 22/7
println("Enter a number for triangle area")
val input = readLine()?: ""
val a = input.toInt() * input.toInt() * pie
here when I input 6 it should give us 113.142857143 or 113.14
Instead, it gives 108
and with javascript it's fine
It treats the pie as an integer. After rounding the pie will become 3, so 6 * 3 * 3 is 108.
There are numbers of ways to solve this but I recommend using BigDecimal to calculate decimals.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val pie = BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.PI) // Either Math.PI or 22/7, one is 3.1415 another is 3.1428
println("Enter a number for triangle area")
val input = readLine()?: "0" // PLEASE DO INPUT VALIDATION HERE
val inputDecimal = BigDecimal(input)
val a = inputDecimal.multiply(inputDecimal).multiply(pie)