
OpenLayers 7 - Check if coordinate is within layer extent

I'm struggling to get OpenLayers to check whether a coord is within a layer's extent. It took me a while to get it to even check something, but it only ever returns false, even when passing it the center of the extent so I'm clearly doing something wrong.

let poly = [-6.2212531, 53.3257768, -6.3122428, 53.3643417];

console.log(ol.extent.containsCoordinate(poly, ol.extent.getCenter(poly)));
console.log(ol.extent.containsXY(poly, ol.extent.getCenter(poly)));
console.log(ol.extent.containsExtent(poly, ol.extent.getCenter(poly)));

These (as far as I can tell) are the methods to check points/extents but I can't seem to get any working. This prev question is what I tried to get working

I'm displaying different TileLayers over a map as overlays and if a point is outside a certain layer's extent then I don't want to display that layer so I want to check whether a point is within or outside a given extent.

Any ideas? Many thanks


  • An extent should be in the form [minX, minY, maxX, maxY]

    [-6.2212531, 53.3257768, -6.3122428, 53.3643417] is not valid

    [-6.3122428, 53.3257768, -6.2212531, 53.3643417] is valid