
Java Multithreading - how to use wait() and notify() to get a value from only 1 thread out of 2 and kill the other thread

In my main thread I create two additional threads that I want to use a value from. Basically what I want to do is this:

Threads thread1 = new Threads();
Threads thread2 = new Threads();
If (thread1 = complete){
var = thread1.getter
//delete thread2
If (thread2 == complete){
var = thread2.getter
//delete thread1

With thread1 and thread2 having a notify() at the end that wakes up the main thread and the thread that doesn't finish is deleted. But I realise that I don't properly understand wait() and multithreading so the way this is setup may not be correct. I know that Thread.currentThread.wait() is definitely not correct.

I think I may have to synchronize the methods but I have not been able to find any examples that show how to do this in this situation.

Edit: To give more info Thread1 takes input from a scanner and Thread2 takes input from a keylistener and I want to use the first input from 1 of them


  • I think you are saying that your threads are racing to solve a problem, and you are only interested in whichever solution is produced first. Am I right? If so, then what you need is some shared variables that allow all the threads to know if a solution has been found:

    boolean solution_is_found = false;
    SolutionType solution;
    final Object solution_mutex = new Object();

    A worker thread can do this:

    while (true) {
        synchronized(solution_mutex) {
            if (solution_is_found) {
                // Some other thread won the race, our solution is not needed.
        } some increment of work...
        if (...this thread found a solution...) {
            synchronized(solution_mutex) {
                if (! solution_was_found) {
                    // Only update the variables if this thread won the race.
                    solution_is_found = true;
                    solution = ...what this thread found...

    And now, the main thread can await the appearance of the first solution.

    synchronized(solution_lock) {
        while (! solution_was_found) {
    ...use `solution` here...

    If the smallest possible "increment of work" takes a significant chunk of time, then you may want to test solution_is_found several times within the "increment," and abort if it is true.