
Origin is "not allowed" for given client ID when origin was added

Note: My site is in production mode, not testing. It is pending verification due to me adding an icon. This issue persisted before the verification was started.

Whenever my browser makes a request to Google for the one-tap widget or the pill, both requests return 400 Bad Request with an empty HTML page and the console is sent a message stating "The given origin is not allowed for the given client ID." I've gone onto the Google Cloud Console and checked my origins. I have only one listed, and it's the exact site I'm sending requests from my browser. My site also has its traffic proxied through Cloudflare if that makes a difference. In addition, I am using JavaScript callbacks (which work when used in PI#1).

Potential issue #1: The URLs are typed in wrong

When I insert localhost (I add https and http because I test with a HTTPS webserver locally using a Cloudflare origin certificate), the requests go through perfectly. However, the moment the requests are from my browser when it's not localhost, the requests fail. I've copied and pasted straight from the URL bar just to make sure that there's no typos or anything but the same results return.

Potential issue #2: The widget is making bad requests

I do open the URLs in other tabs (Which yield the same results from PI#1) and insert bogus URLs like and to ensure it's not just dropping every request. Those requests return 403 Forbidden instead of 400 Bad Request.

Potential issue #3: The issue is browser specific

I've checked this issue on both Firefox and Microsoft Edge, both on the stable branches and completely up to date. I've disabled my ad block (UBlock Origin & Firefox built-in protection) to ensure they aren't messing with requests but everything except the crucial requests fail with 400 Bad Request. I have yet to test other browsers as I do not have them installed but I assume the same results come from them.

An example of the code can be found here:

Screenshot of website Screenshot of network tab, showing failing requests

The origins shown below are the exact website I am accessing. In addition, I've verified the client IDs are exactly the same as the ones I have added Origins in Google Console that match the URL


  • Referrer Policy is improperly configured

    The HTTP header Referrer-Policy controls the exact amount of data sent to servers regarding the origin of the request. In most cases, this is set to same-origin which means that the Referer header will send the origin to servers with the same origin.

    Consider you have a webserver at and another at with a Referrer-Policy of same-origin. When sends a request to, the Referer header will contain the origin of the request, since it is the same origin. However, if sends a request to, the Referer header will not send any origin data, as and are not the same origin.

    If we look at the requests, this directive is what we see Referrer Policy set to same-origin, request fails

    As such, we need to update the directive to allow the browser to send the origin in the Referer header. This can be done by inserting the following into the HTML of the current page.

    <meta name="referrer" content="origin">

    This meta tag will allow the browser to send the origin only to other webservers, and as such, Google will see the origin.

    Referrer Policy set to origin, request succeeds

    Consider the example above again. This time, when sends a request to, the request will contain a Referer header with the origin, as the directive allows for sharing of the origin. However, with this current policy, only the origin is sent, not the query parameters and other parts of the URL. With the following URL:, will only see The MDN Web Docs contain all the possible values and their effects.