
Could not find a version of package matching your minimum-stability. Require it with an explicit version constraint allowing its desired stability

I've created a package (innovareti/password-policy) and now I am trying to install it, but it is not found:

$ composer require innovareti/password-policy
  Could not find a version of package innovareti/password-policy
  matching your minimum-stability (dev). Require it with an explicit
  version constraint allowing its desired stability.

(this error keeps ocurring)

It does have a tag and a release, and I've updated it in packagist but it's still not working, even after the update on packagist is done already for a couple of minutes and I can see it there fine.

This is the composer.json of the package:

  "name": "innovareti/password-policy",
  "description": "A library to intuitively create password policies and validate a subject against them.",
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "PasswordPolicy\\Tests\\": "tests/",
      "PasswordPolicy\\": "src/PasswordPolicy/",
      "PasswordPolicy\\Database\\Factories\\": "database/factories",
      "PasswordPolicy\\Models\\": "src/Models"
    "laravel": [
  "require": {
    "php": "^5.5"
  "scripts": {
    "test": "vendor/bin/phpunit",
    "test-f": "vendor/bin/phpunit --filter"
  "minimum-stability": "dev"

My repository is at:

I've tried many things I saw online but nothing worked, can anyone help me?


  • Apparently the problem was that new packages published to packagist need to be installed with composer on version 21.

    I ran composer selfupdate --2 to update my version of composer which was 1.x.

    Then required my package by running composer require innovareti/password-policy and it worked.

    1. Compare "Restricted access to unused packages via the v1 metadata API starting in May 2021" in Deprecating support for Composer 1.x ( Jordi Boggiano for; Feb 2021)

    Further References