We develop with Viewport3D a chart looks like this
It works a long time very well, but this week a cutomer send as following screen shot:
We check already pc. All things new and up to date (Windows 10 22H2, NVIDIA RTX A1006 ...). We try other resolutions. Nothing helps.
Is there anybody there that can give us a suggestion, what we should try.
Customer IT-Support find a solution: in NVIDIA Control Panel we can set special 3D Settings for grapic card. It looks like that there some options must be set (we only get a picture of settings) We can only see Base profile is changed and use High-performance NVIDIA processor. In Settings we see that Image Spapenning, Ambient Occlusion, Antalasing FxAA and Antialasing-Transparency was turne off, Anisotropic Filtering and Antialasing Mode is controlled by Application and Antialsing Gamma correction is turned on. From our view the import point is, that 3D in WPF is controlled by special options in graphic card settings.