
Do QThreads run on parallel?

I have two threads running and they simply print a message. Here is an minimalistic example of it.

Here is my Header.h:

#pragma once

#include <QtCore/QThread>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>

class WorkerOne : public QObject {
public Q_SLOTS:
    void printFirstMessage() {
        while (1) {
            qDebug() << "<<< Message from the FIRST worker" << QThread::currentThreadId();

class WorkerTwo : public QObject {
public Q_SLOTS:
    void printSecondMessage() {
        while (1) {
            qDebug() << ">>> Message from the SECOND worker" << QThread::currentThreadId();

And, of course, my main:

#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>

#include "Header.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    WorkerOne kek1;
    QThread t1;
    t1.setObjectName("FIRST THREAD");

    QThread t2;
    WorkerTwo kek2;
    t2.setObjectName("SECOND THREAD");

    QObject::connect(&t1, &QThread::started, &kek1, &WorkerOne::printFirstMessage);
    QObject::connect(&t2, &QThread::started, &kek2, &WorkerTwo::printSecondMessage);


    return a.exec();

When I start application I see an expected output of it: enter image description here

As you may see, thread id is different. It's was added to be sure they are running on different threads.

I set the only one breakpoint in printFirstMessage and run the application in debug mode attached to the debugger. Once the debugger stops at my breakpoint - I wait for a while and press Continue, so my debugger stops at the same breakpoint again.

What do I expect to see? I expect to see only one <<< Message from the FIRST worker and a lot of messages from the second worker. But what do I see? I see only two messages: the first one from the first worker and the second one from the second worker.

enter image description here

I pressed Continue a lot of times and the result is more or less the same. That's weird to me, because I expected the second thread to be running while the first one is stopped by debugger.

I decided to test it using std::thread and wrote the following code:

#include <thread>
#include <iostream>

void foo1() {
    while (true) {
        std::cout << "Function ONE\n";

void foo2() {
    while (true) {
        std::cout << "The second function\n";

int main() {
    std::thread t1(&foo1);
    std::thread t2(&foo2);


Set a breakpoint in the first one, starts the app, after stopping at the breakpoint I hit Continue and see that console contains a lot of messages from the second function and only one from the first function (exactly this I expected using QThread as well): enter image description here

Could someone explain how does it works with QThread? By the way, I tested it using QtConcurrent::run instead of QThread and the result was as expected: the second function is running while the first one is stopped because of a breakpoint.


  • Yes, multiple QThread instances are allowed to run in parallel. Whether they effectively run in parallel is up to your OS and depends on multiple factors:

    Debugging your program definitely alters the normal execution of a multi thread program:

    Conclusion: You don't have any hard garanty about the scheduling of a thread. However, in normal operation, both threads will get almost the same amount of CPU time on average as the OS scheduler has no reason to favor one over the other. Using a debugger completely alters this normal behavior.