
Convert Json array to list of strings

I am reading this tutorial One of the problems I am facing is that is now dead. I replaced the API call to this This works but returns a Json Array. I have to convert the Json Array to list(string).

I modified the decodeWords function as

let decodeWord = (json: Js.Json.t) : list(string) => 
    switch(Js.Json.decodeArray(json)) {
      | None => []
      | Some(array) =>, array)

But this gives me error

This has type: Js.Json.t => option(Js.String.t) But somewhere wanted: array('a)

How do I convert the Json Array to list(string)?


  • Two problems:

    1. You've switched the arguments to around.´array` should come first.
    2. Since decodeString returns an option(string) instead of just a string, you'll have to deal with the Nones somehow. Using Belt.Array.keepMap is a shorter way of just ignoring them.
    let decodeWords = (json: Js.Json.t): list(string) =>
      switch (Js.Json.decodeArray(json)) {
      | None => []
      | Some(array) =>

    But using the Js.Json API directly is rather cumbersome. You might want to consider using a third-party json decoding library such as bs-json (disclaimer: authored by me) instead. Then it would be as simple as:

    let decodeWords = Json.Decode.(list(string))

    Or, if you still want it to return an empty list instead of raising an exception on decode failure:

    let decodeWords = Json.Decode.(withDefault([], list(string)))