I had an existing very very old java applet which use :
In the lib directory of the project there is :
org.apache.maven.plugins maven-jar-plugin sign .keyticket ticket ticket katana ${project.build.directory}/signed/${project.build.finalName}.jar false<plugin>
The project runs well on a java 1.6 environment, builded by a java 1.6 server.
But if I build it on a new java 1.8 server, and runs with java 1.8, I have a lots of major.minor errors because some old sub-librairies are used by this project.
So to avoid problems, I keep this in the pom.xml :
The project compile and runs, but I had a :
access denied java.lang.RuntimePermission setSecurityManager)
I supposed my jar is not signed. I see that the existing ".keyticket" used to sign seems to not use a valid level of sign for java 1.8. So I modify java.security on the build machine to accept the old sign process. The jar seems signed :
Finally, I generate a new certificate for my jar using :
/opt/jdk/bin/keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias myFirstKey -keystore myKeystore -validity 360
And I add the new file in the maven task to sign it :
And it works perfectly now.