
Logstash filter - mask secrets in json data / replace specific keys values

I have some JSON data sent in to my logstash filter and wish to mask secrets from appearing in Kibana. My log looks like this:

            "sequence": 1,
                "url": "https://hello.com",
                "method": "POST",
                "postData": "{\"one:\"1\",\"secret:"THISISSECRET",\"username\":\"hello\",\"secret2\":\"THISISALSOSECRET\"}",
                "status": 200,

My filter converts the payloads to payload and I then wish to mask the JSON in postData to be:

"postData": "{\"one:\"1\",\"secret\":\"[secret]\",\"username\":\"hello\",\"secret2\":\"[secret]\"}"

My filter now looks like this:

if ([payloads]) {
  split {
    field => "payloads"
    target => "payload"
    remove_field => [payloads]

# innetTmp is set to JSON here - this works

json {
  source => "innerTmp"
  target => "parsedJson"
  if [parsedJson][secret] =~ /.+/ {
    remove_field => [ "secret" ]
    add_field => { "secret" => "[secret]" }
  if [parsedJson][secret2] =~ /.+/   {
    remove_field => [ "secret2" ]
    add_field => { "secret2" => "[secret]" }

Is this a correct approach? I cannot see the filter replacing my JSON key/values with "[secret]".

Kind regards /K


  • The approach is good, you are using the wrong field

    After the split the secret field is part of postData and that field is part of parsedJson.

      if [parsedJson][postData][secret]  {
        remove_field => [ "[parsedJson][postData][secret]" ]
        add_field => { "[parsedJson][postData][secret]" => "[secret]" }