I have two raster layers, one coarse resolution and one fine resolution. My goal is to extract GWR
's coefficients (intercept and slope) and apply them to my fine resolution raster.
I can do this easily when I perform simple linear regression. For example:
# focal terra
tirs = rast("path/tirs.tif") # fine res raster
ntl = rast("path/ntl.tif") # coarse res raster
# fill null values
tirs = focal(tirs,
w = 9,
fun = mean,
na.policy = "only",
na.rm = TRUE)
gf <- focalMat(tirs, 0.10*400, "Gauss", 11)
r_gf <- focal(tirs, w = gf, na.rm = TRUE)
r_gf = resample(r_gf, ntl, method = "bilinear")
s = c(ntl, r_gf)
names(s) = c('ntl', 'r_gf')
model <- lm(formula = ntl ~ tirs, data = s)
# apply the lm coefficients to the fine res raster
lm_pred = model$coefficients[1] + model$coefficients[2] * tirs
But when I run GWR
, the slope and intercept are not just two numbers (like in linear model) but it's a range. For example, below are the results of the GWR
Summary of GWR coefficient estimates:
Min. 1st Qu. Median 3rd Qu. Max.
Intercept -1632.61196 -55.79680 -15.99683 15.01596 1133.299
tirs20 -42.43020 0.43446 1.80026 3.75802 70.987
My question is how can extract GWR
model parameters (intercept and slope) and apply them to my fine resolution raster? In the end I would like to do the same thing as I did with the linear model, that is, GWR_intercept + GWR_slope * fine resolution raster.
Here is the code of GWR
block.data = read.csv(file = "path/block.data00.csv")
#create mararate df for the x & y coords
x = as.data.frame(block.data$x)
y = as.data.frame(block.data$y)
sint = as.matrix(cbind(x, y))
#convert the data to spatialPointsdf and then to spatialPixelsdf
coordinates(block.data) = c("x", "y")
#gridded(block.data) <- TRUE
# specify a model equation
eq1 <- ntl ~ tirs
dist = GWmodel::gw.dist(dp.locat = sint, focus = 0, longlat = FALSE)
abw = bw.gwr(eq1,
data = block.data,
approach = "AIC",
kernel = "tricube",
adaptive = TRUE,
p = 2,
longlat = F,
dMat = dist,
parallel.method = "omp",
parallel.arg = "omp")
ab_gwr = gwr.basic(eq1,
data = block.data,
bw = abw,
kernel = "tricube",
adaptive = TRUE,
p = 2,
longlat = FALSE,
dMat = dist,
F123.test = FALSE,
cv = FALSE,
parallel.method = "omp",
parallel.arg = "omp")
Because the problem has been solved the csv is available upon request
You can download the csv
from here. The raster I want to apply GWR
's coefficients with:
tirs = raster(ncols=407, nrows=342, xmn=509600, xmx=550300, ymn=161800, ymx=196000, crs='+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +units=m +no_defs')
The solution was to use the regression.point
argument in the gwr.basic
function. The steps were:
and apply the model to the SPDF
The code:
tirs = raster("path/tirs.tif") # high resolution raster
regpoints <- as(tirs, "SpatialPoints")
block.data = read.csv(file = "path/block.data.psf.csv")
coordinates(block.data) <- c("x", "y")
proj4string(block.data) <- "EPSG:27700"
eq1 <- ntl ~ tirs000 # tirs000 is the coarse version of the high res raster
abw = bw.gwr(eq1,
data = block.data,
approach = "AIC",
kernel = "gaussian",
adaptive = TRUE,
p = 2,
parallel.method = "omp",
parallel.arg = "omp")
ab_gwr = gwr.basic(eq1,
data = block.data,
regression.points = regpoints,
bw = abw,
kernel = "gaussian",
adaptive = TRUE,
p = 2,
F123.test = FALSE,
cv = FALSE,
parallel.method = "omp",
parallel.arg = "omp")
sp <- ab_gwr$SDF
sf <- st_as_sf(sp)
# intercept
intercept = as.data.frame(sf$Intercept)
intercept = SpatialPointsDataFrame(data = intercept, coords = regpoints)
gridded(intercept) <- TRUE
intercept <- raster(intercept)
raster::crs(intercept) <- "EPSG:27700"
# slope
slope = as.data.frame(sf$tirs000)
slope = SpatialPointsDataFrame(data = slope, coords = regpoints)
gridded(slope) <- TRUE
slope <- raster(slope)
raster::crs(slope) <- "EPSG:27700"
gwr_pred000 = intercept + slope * tirs
overwrite = TRUE)