Gatling - Scala : How to repeat a request until a certain response variable exists in the API response?
This is the request to find the response time of a cursor pagination API
.exec(http("APITests:Cursor Pagination")
.queryParam("sortField", "ID")
.queryParam("limit", limitCount)
.queryParam("cursor", "#{CursorID}")
I have to repeat the request execution until .check(jsonPath("$.nextCursor")).exists = False
Please provide suggestions and help
I tried below ending with error:
doWhile(session => session(".check(jsonPath(\"$.nextCursor\").exists").as[Boolean]) {
exec(http("APITests:Cursor Pagination")
.queryParam("sortField", "ID")
.queryParam("limit", limitCount)
.queryParam("cursor", "#{CursorID}")
But I end up with error : jsonPath($.nextCursor).find.exists, found nothing
Use contains
, but you have to save nextCursor
into Session
doWhile(session => !session.contains("nextCursor")) {