I am planning to learn python and GAMS for my research. So, I am trying to solve an NLP problem using GAMS as a pyomo solver, but occasionally I am faced with puzzling errors.
For example, I wrote the following program to determine the parameters of y=a1+a2*x using the least squares method.
#Example1 Regression
import pyomo.environ as pyo
#Model definition
model_linear = pyo.ConcreteModel();
#Set declaration
model_linear.m = pyo.RangeSet(6);
#variable definition
model_linear.a1 = pyo.Var(domain=pyo.Reals);
model_linear.a2 = pyo.Var(domain=pyo.Reals);
#Parameter declaration
model_linear.datapoints_y = pyo.Param(model_linear.m,initialize={1:127,2:151,3:379,4:421,5:460,6:426});
model_linear.datapoints_x = pyo.Param(model_linear.m,initialize={1:-5,2:-3,3:-1,4:5,5:3,6:1});
#objective functions
model_linear.obj = pyo.Objective(expr=sum((model_linear.datapoints_y[m]-
for m in model_linear.m),sense=pyo.minimize);
#Solver options
solver.options['mtype']= "nlp"
results = solver.solve(model_linear, solver = 'antigone');
print("\n Results \n");
print("Squared deviation for linear regression model =",model_linear.obj());
print("Coefficient 1 for linear regression (a1) =", model_linear.a1());
print("Coefficient 2 for linear regression (a2) =", model_linear.a2());
When I run the program, I get the following message.
In [ ]:runfile('C:/Users/Murata/Documents/python work/GAMStest/NLPexam1a.py', wdir='C:/Users/Murata/Documents/python work/GAMStest')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Murata\anaconda3\envs\ct-env\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\py3compat.py", line 356, in compat_exec
exec(code, globals, locals)
File "c:\users\murata\documents\python work\gamstest\nlpexam1a.py", line 32, in <module>
results = solver.solve(model_linear, solver = 'antigone');
File "C:\Users\Murata\anaconda3\envs\ct-env\lib\site-packages\pyomo\solvers\plugins\solvers\GAMS.py", line 853, in solve
model_soln, stat_vars = self._parse_dat_results(
File "C:\Users\Murata\anaconda3\envs\ct-env\lib\site-packages\pyomo\solvers\plugins\solvers\GAMS.py", line 1235, in _parse_dat_results
model_soln[items[0]] = (items[1], items[2])
IndexError: list index out of range
I think error seems to occur from program to manipulate GAMS from Python. What steps can I take to solve the problem? If there are any mistakes in my code, please point them out.
The environment I'm using; OS:Windows 10 pro Python:3.10.8 pyomo:6.4.2 GAMS:40.4.0
Any help would be much appreciated and thanks in advance for your time!
No problems here running your code on W10 with GAMS 38 and Pyomo 6.2.
It is also solvable using scip solver (download here: https://www.scipopt.org/download.php?fname=scipampl-7.0.0.win.x86_64.intel.opt.spx2.exe.zip), and change the solver to e.g.: solver = pyo.SolverFactory("scip", executable='C:/Python/Pyomo/Solvers/scip/scipampl-7.0.0.win.x86_64.intel.opt.spx2.exe')
Cheers, GFA