
LogCat displaying messages as one single long string (no linebreaks)

Upon connecting my Android device (Redmi 6A, running Android 8.1) via USB debugging, LogCat displays all messages in a single line, instead of displaying each message in its own line:

LogCat screenshot

Any idea why this is happening and how to fix this?

(several posts I found in stackoverflow.com complain about the opposite, i.e. "how to join several lines", not what I am experiencing here)


  • Actually, there is a solution that is better than the command line adb logcat (without having to install Android Studio): It is called "Android Device Monitor' and it is invoked by C:\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64\sdk\tools> monitor.bat:

    screenshot of working GUI based LogCat

    Credit goes to https://stackoverflow.com/a/19169081/2597758