
Add Custom button in the Wall Post of Facebook

I am pretty naive in building Fb apps. I need to post on the user's wall for which I need to embed a custom button along the side of Like and Comment button of FB.

I researched a bit and found out FBML shall be used but did not get the exact way to reach that.I also found fb:create-button and fb:dashboard , but also was not able to figure out the exact flow to use.


  • I found another solution for the people using PHP SDK:

    $ret_obj = $facebook->api('/680066819/feed', 'POST',array(
                                              'link' => 'www.google.com',
                                              'message' => 'posted',
                                              'description' => "I am bond",
                                              'actions' => array(
                                                              'name' => 'button name',
                                                              'link' => 'your link'

    Hope this helps!!