
Is there a technical reason why range-based for loop doesn't detect whether it's looping on an rvalue?

The reason for the question is that I've seen code like this:

auto fun(std::vector<Foo>&& v) {
    std::vector<Bar> w;
    for (auto&& e : v /* not an rvalue, but keep reading */) {
    // do stuff with w

which is marked as erroneous by static analisys tools, as the forwarding reference e is being std::moved instead of being std::forwarded.

On the other hand, v binds for sure to a prvalue or an xvalue (something the client knows to be or wants fun to treat as a temporary), because its type is an rvalue reference. Yes, I see that the body of the function doesn't state in any way that v cannot be used after the for loop, but that would only lead me to think that I should change

As far as I've understood, the first point doesn't have the effect I would have expected. In fact, std::move seems to have no effect as far as the for is concerned. In turn, e keeps being initialized from an lvalue (at least if the frequent case that operator[] returns a reference for the type of v), and the second point simply causes a compilation error.

As an additional reference, the note ¹ from this answer reads (with reference to range-for loops)

You cannot detect if you are iterating over a temporary (or other rvalue)

which seems to confirm that I just can't do that.

But looking at how a range-for loop is desugared, what would be wrong in changing range-declaration = *__begin; to range-declaration = std::move(*__begin); when range-expression is an rvalue?


  • the container is rvalue doesn't means what it contains is

    // note: in real code this could be T&& and have no idea it's a std::span
    void foo(std::span<X>&& s){
        // explicitly std::move should be required
        // because the code may want to use `s` later
        for(auto&& v : std::move(s)){
            // if the for loop forward the value category of <range-expression> to items
            // then decltype(v) is X&&, and this wrongly move-out the data
            X t = std::forward<decltype(v)>(v); 
    int main(){
        X x[2];

    the decision should be done by

    * the container/adaptor should always return move_iterator, overload for rvalue begin/end would not work in current standard, the normal one is always called. Plus no standard container support them either.