I want to superscript a number (or character, it doesnt matter) to an existing string.
This is what my initial dataframe looks like:
testframe = as.data.frame(c("A34", "B21", "C64", "D83", "E92", "F24"))
testframe$V2 = c(1,3,2,2,3,NA)
colnames(testframe)[1] = "V1"
V1 V2
1 A34 1
2 B21 3
3 C64 2
4 D83 2
5 E92 3
6 F24 NA
What I want to do now is to use the V2 as a kind of "footnote", so any superscript or subscript (doesnt matter which one). When there is no entry in V2, then I just want to keep V1 as it is.
I found a similar question where I saw this answer:
> paste0("H", "\u2081", "O")
[1] "H₁O"
This is what I want, but my problem is that it has to be created automatically since I have way too many rows in my real dataframe.
I tried to add an extra column "V3" to enter the Superscripts and Subscripts Codes:
testframe$V3 = c("u2081", "u2083", "u2082", "u2082", "u2083", NA)
V1 V2 V3
1 A34 1 u2081
2 B21 3 u2083
3 C64 2 u2082
4 D83 2 u2082
5 E92 3 u2083
6 F24 NA <NA>
But when I try paste(testframe$V1, testframe$V3, sep = "\")
it gives me an error. How can I use the \ in this case?
If the subscripts will always be digits 0 through 9, you can index into a vector of Unicode subscript digits:
subscripts <- c(
testframe$V1 <- paste0(
subscripts[testframe$V2 + 1]
V1 V2
1 A34₁ 1
2 B21₃ 3
3 C64₂ 2
4 D83₂ 2
5 E92₃ 3
6 F24 NA