I am getting an error when using python GEE api to save processed image in Colab. The code and the error are as follow:
# Load a landsat image and select three bands.
landsat = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_TOA/LC08_123032_20140515')\
.select(['B4', 'B3', 'B2'])
# Create a geometry representing an export region.
geometry = ee.Geometry.Rectangle([116.2621, 39.8412, 116.4849, 40.01236])
center = geometry.centroid().getInfo()['coordinates']
# Get band 4 from the Landsat image, copy it.
band4 = landsat.select('B4').rename('b4_mean')\
# Export the image to an Earth Engine asset.
task = ee.batch.Export.image.toAsset(**{
'image': band4,
'description': 'imageToAssetExample',
'assetId': 'users/csaybar/exampleExport',
'scale': 100,
'region': geometry.getInfo()['coordinates']
This error occurs due to "task.start()"
WARNING:googleapiclient.http:Invalid JSON content from response: b'{\n "error": {\n "code": 403,\n "message": "Request had insufficient authentication scopes.",\n "status": "PERMISSION_DENIED",\n "details": [\n {\n "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ErrorInfo",\n "reason": "ACCESS_TOKEN_SCOPE_INSUFFICIENT",\n "domain": "googleapis.com",\n "metadata": {\n "method": "google.earthengine.v1alpha.EarthEngine.ExportImage",\n "service": "earthengine.googleapis.com"\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n}\n'
HttpError Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/ee/data.py in _execute_cloud_call(call, num_retries)
327 try:
--> 328 return call.execute(num_retries=num_retries)
329 except googleapiclient.errors.HttpError as e:
6 frames
HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting https://earthengine.googleapis.com/v1alpha/projects/earthengine-legacy/image:export?alt=json returned "Request had insufficient authentication scopes.". Details: "[{'@type': 'type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ErrorInfo', 'reason': 'ACCESS_TOKEN_SCOPE_INSUFFICIENT', 'domain': 'googleapis.com', 'metadata': {'method': 'google.earthengine.v1alpha.EarthEngine.ExportImage', 'service': 'earthengine.googleapis.com'}}]">
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
EEException Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/ee/data.py in _execute_cloud_call(call, num_retries)
328 return call.execute(num_retries=num_retries)
329 except googleapiclient.errors.HttpError as e:
--> 330 raise _translate_cloud_exception(e)
EEException: Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
I tried to look for a GEE service in the google cloud console to enable it, but couldn't find one. And I want to konw how to fix this problem.
The most recent version of the google earth engine API seems to have introduced some issues with gcloud. Try rolling back to an earlier version using conda install -c conda-forge earthengine-api=0.1.320
and then rerunning your process.
For future reference, most GEE-related questions get asked and answered over at gis.stackexchange.com.