I have a custom TabView and I want to Bind to a State to change tabs. I also want to detect if the user has tapped the same tab again in order to scroll to the top of that view.
didSet isn't called when I use a binding. onChange isn't called because the value hasn't changed, and onReceive doesn't give me the old value to compare.
Any ideas? (Trying to avoid using a published property)
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var scrollToTop1: Bool = false
@State private var scrollToTop2: Bool = false
@State private var selectedTab: Int = 1
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment: .bottom) {
TabView(selection: $selectedTab) {
NavigationView {
View1(scrollToTop: $scrollToTop1)
NavigationView {
View2(scrollToTop: $scrollToTop2)
.onReceive(Just(selectedTab)) { [oldValue = selectedTab] newValue in
print("Old: \(oldValue)") //Shows newValue
print("New: \(newValue)")
if oldValue == newValue {
switch selectedTab {
case 1:
case 2:
TabBar(selectedTab: $selectedTab)
struct TabBar: View {
@Binding var selectedTab: Int
var body: some View {
HStack {
TabItem(selectedTab: $selectedTab, text: "View 1", tab: 1)
TabItem(selectedTab: $selectedTab, text: "View 2", tab: 2)
struct TabItem: View {
@Binding var selectedTab: Int
let text: String
let tab: Int
var body: some View {
Button {
selectedTab = tab
} label: {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
.frame(height: 50)
I think this is a great scenario for a custom Binding
, where you can intercept the value before its set and compare it:
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var scrollToTop1: Bool = false
@State private var scrollToTop2: Bool = false
@State private var selectedTab: Int = 1
var customBinding: Binding<Int> {
.init {
} set: { newValue in
print("New value: ", newValue)
if newValue == selectedTab {
print("Scroll to top")
selectedTab = newValue
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment: .bottom) {
TabView(selection: customBinding) {
NavigationView {
NavigationView {
TabBar(selectedTab: customBinding)
struct TabBar: View {
@Binding var selectedTab: Int
var body: some View {
HStack {
TabItem(selectedTab: $selectedTab, text: "View 1", tab: 1)
TabItem(selectedTab: $selectedTab, text: "View 2", tab: 2)