
How to solve the following 3-dimensional system of non-linear inequalities in R?

I need to solve the following system of non-linear inequalities:

x*y >= 420
x*z >= 14
x*y*z < 5000

I have tried to find a similar question/solution or package that helps, but I struggle to apply it to that specific case.

The expected outcome should be a list of tuples (x,y,z). In the end, a 3-dimensional plot would be awesome but not really necessary (though should be easy to do it as soon as the solution list exists).

Edit: x, y and z are positive integers.


  • NB: It was recently clarified that the solutions should consist of integers. I'll give a solution for integers first, then the original answer without that condition.

    The last condition x*y*z < 5000 indicates that all of the values must be less than 5000. That makes an exhaustive search feasible.

    The way I'd do it is to set y to all possible values (i.e. 1:4999), then for each value find all possible x values. That will give a long list of (x,y) pairs. Then for each z value, select the pairs that meet all the conditions. For example:

    x0 <- 1:4999
    y0 <- 1:4999
    z0 <- 1:4999
    xy <- matrix(numeric(), ncol = 2, nrow = 0)
    for (y in y0) {
      keep <- x0*y >= 420 & x0*y < 5000
      if (any(keep))
        xy <- rbind(xy, cbind(x0[keep], y))
    xyz <- matrix(numeric(), ncol = 3, nrow = 0)
    for (z in z0) {
      keep <- xy[, 1]*z >= 14 & xy[,1]*xy[,2]*z < 5000
      if (any(keep))
        xyz <- rbind(xyz, cbind(xy[keep, , drop=FALSE], z))
    #>  num [1:61833, 1:3] 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 ...
    #>  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
    #>   ..$ : NULL
    #>   ..$ : chr [1:3] "" "y" "z"
    #>          y z
    #> [1,] 420 1 1
    #> [2,] 421 1 1
    #> [3,] 422 1 1
    #> [4,] 423 1 1
    #> [5,] 424 1 1
    #> [6,] 425 1 1
    #>              y  z
    #> [61828,] 2 222 11
    #> [61829,] 2 223 11
    #> [61830,] 2 224 11
    #> [61831,] 2 225 11
    #> [61832,] 2 226 11
    #> [61833,] 2 227 11

    Created on 2022-12-09 with reprex v2.0.2

    This is the original answer, without restricting to integer values:

    The system of inequalities you give has an infinite number of solutions, so it's not possible to list them all in an R list. However, you could construct functions that describe the region holding the solutions.

    One way to do that is to create two functions, with the first giving the range of y consistent with a particular x, and the second giving the range of z consistent with an (x, y) pair. For example,

    min_y <- function(x) {
    range_z <- function(x, y) {
      lower <- 14/x
      upper <- 5000/x/y
      if (lower <= upper)
        c(lower, upper)
    x <- 100
    #> [1] 4.2
    range_z(x, min_y(x))
    #> [1]  0.14000 11.90476
    range_z(x, min_y(x) + 1)
    #> [1] 0.140000 9.615385
    range_z(x, min_y(x) + 1000)
    #> NULL

    Created on 2022-12-08 with reprex v2.0.2

    This shows that if x is 100, y must be bigger than 4.2. If you set y to 4.2 with x = 100, then z can be anything from 0.14 to 11.90476. If you set y to 5.2, z has to be between 0.14 and 9.615385. And if you set y to 1004.2, there are no solutions for z at all.